We are currently in the process of updating our website. It has suffered a period of neglect due to circumstances beyond our control, but we are now working hard to bring it bang up-to-date. All current and future events will be published here, as well as making it easier for you to access our services. Or maybe you just want to know more about the Mothers’ Union and find out more about what we do, or how to join us. Whatever your reason for visiting, we hope to give you an informative and enlightening experience. Watch this space!
Category Archives: Posts
Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Lichfield. Registered Charity Number 249942
As you visit the pages of our website you will be able to read about the work
undertaken by our four units:
Action & Outreach; Faith & Policy;
Marketing & Fundraising; Finance & Administration,
enables the members to reach out and support people
in the community locally, nationally and worldwide.
You can use either the drop down menus at the top of the page
or enter a key word into the search box.
Contact information;
Diocesan Mothers’ Union Office
The Parish Church of St Thomas and St Andrew, Doxey, Stafford. ST16 1EQ
Tel: 01785 227221
Email: [email protected]
Interim Diocesan President: Helen Palfrey