Have your voice heard by joining our diocesan fast track team.
If you would like to be part of the consultations on government policy, make sure you are part of the team.
Please send your name and contact details to our office, we will then add you to the diocesan team list and send you the consultation papers as we receive them.
in the past we have been consulted on;
Domestic Violence, Sunday Trading Hours and “Belief in Society”
Policy Watch is the central monthly social policy newsletter.
Through the newsletter, Mothers’ Union highlights social policy issues as they relate to our faith, looking at a whole range of issues from UK Government legislation and developments in the Church, to what’s happening at the international level. Many articles give ideas and suggestions for action and you can use the newsletter to inspire your own social policy work or to support the work of others in prayer. Download the latest Policy Watch along with past issues by visiting
putting Policy Watch into the ‘search our site’ box